2010年4月21日 星期三


他永遠都是這樣的一個人, 從來只是看見別人的錯處, 覺得全世界欠了他, 然後躲在自己心靈的洞穴裡面一古腦兒哀傷, 憤憤不平.

到他忍無可忍的時候, 他做出來的行為, 卻是連自己後來都看不明白的. 一切好像有它潛在的邏輯, 但在冰山的一角, 卻又是如此的莽撞與荒謬.

他說他不認得自己了. 他的生命本身, 表達了一種哲學的吊詭. 既要在全然陌生的狀態裡面過日子, "假扮自己", 卻又裝得如此傳神, 如此專業.

如何使你的人生在外面看來具有整體而連貫性的意義? --- 就是要收藏起生活上的疙瘩, 包圍住那些坑陷, 若無其事地活著, 像辦公室裡面其他人一樣, 埋首工作, 有時談笑風生.

如是, 社會的秩序與平和在無聲之處構成了一種壓逼與暴政, 那個源自遙遠的啟蒙時代的理性聲音, 今天對他來說虛偽如小丑的面具. 他很清楚, 在他本心, 那個最真實的地方, 這一切的成就與秩序根本都不重要, 不再重要.

15 則留言:

  1. 1. 你好像說我,現在很多時發覺自己內裡有一隻野獸,重係一隻好自卑o既野獸,諗左同做左好多白痴o既野。最後發覺發病的包括自己。

    2. 最近我 intensively 讀維根斯坦o既 PI, 你做乜學佢用 dash 呀?就是他寫o野時喜歡用 dash,攪到我頭都大埋。

  2. 好喜歡這一篇,像說中了心裡面的想法。

  3. 麻煩的哲學佬, 麻煩的哲學妹!

  4. //麻煩的哲學佬, 麻煩的哲學妹!


  5. 是willsin特別麻煩,因為他有很多心魔, 卻又沒有慧劍。

  6. Wong,


  7. 慧劍係中國貨 (不過點都好過大陸貨),唔等使既, 要出西洋神劍,分析哲學至得,但係操刀者要定位準確, 唔係好易斬親willsin

  8. Good piece. The point about inconsistency is interesting. Think for example The Dialectic of the Enlightenment by Adorno and Horkheimer. The question there is how can we make sense of the Holocaust in the context of the Enlightenment. There is also the U.S., an advocate of human rights that is still occupying Iraq. Civilization generates savagery? May be the inconsistency you're referring to reflects a fundamental contradiction int he world? When we celebrate our birthdays, aren't we also getting closer to death?

  9. Good points, WKC. You prompted me to reconsider where the inconsistency as such lies. Perhaps it lies not so much in the fundamental contradiction in the world, as in the gap between lived experience and the way to register such experience. In other words, it is the difference between experience and representation of experience, and the problem of how these two sides can be put together. This begs the point where Kant began his questioning: how can transcendental concepts relate to my subjective experience in all its uniqueness? A particular experience related (and organised) by such concepts overrides my own uniqueness and the uniqueness of my place, and pushes them into an inessential corner that bears no influence on the character of the essence of the world's being. One consequence of this, perhaps, is that one loses the uniqueness of subjectivity, and as a result, we end up with a conception of subjectivity only as a possible Being, but not an essential, inescapably real Being. This possible Being, however, confers no meaning on me.

    What is ethics then, if ethics, according to Kant, could be grounded on the principle that all moral agents should make judgements as if their consequences did not apply to a particular case involving the agent's own interests and uniqueness?

  10. feeling unsettled


  11. The distinction you draw between "experience" and "representation of experience" can also be taken to mean the distinction between "experience" and "the condition of possibility of experience"? I have that interpretation because you mention Kant's transcendental concepts.
    I know very very little about Kant but I guess the question here is if what make experience possible are intuitions such as time and space, does this mean that the uniqueness of subjectivity is eliminated?
    "A particular experience related (and organised) by such concepts overrides my own uniqueness and the uniqueness of my place, and pushes them into an inessential corner that bears no influence on the character of the essence of the world's being."

    Kant has often been criticized for adhering to a philosophy of empty formalism. This is consistent with you point about the elimination of individual uniqueness in Kantian ethics. But is this a result of his transcendental approach to philosophy?
    Speaking of Kant and inconsistency, Zizek's The Parallax View is highly relevant. The inconsistency, or what he calls the "parallax gap" is inherent, it's both epistemological and ontological. But I won't get into it here.

  12. From a doctorate exam

    What is the task of all higher education?
    -To turn a man into a machine

    By what means?
    -He has to learn how to feel bored

    How is that achieved?
    -Through the concept of duty

    Who is his model?
    -The philologist: he teaches how to grind

    Who is the perfect man?
    -The civil servant

    Which philosophy provides the best formula for the civil servant?
    -Kant's: the civil servant as thing in itself set as judge over the civil servant as appearance

    -Nietsche, Twilight of the Idols

  13. Nice quotation.

